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Energy PyroSwiss

Energy PyroSwiss is the result of the meeting of four men engaged in the renewable and sustainable energy sector, each with a different, varied and complementary professional experience.

It is a young company with strong skills, it has been able to federate partners specialized in different fields, whose whole knowledge makes it possible to put on the market:

  • Plastics recovery facilities into fuel;

  • Waste and biomass treatment facilities allowing the production of "clean" energy,

  • Wastewater treatment facilities.

Dictionnaire Français


For 6 years, Energy PyroSwiss has built a high-level research team.

Energy PyroSwiss has established the key partnerships that are essential to meet the demands of the renewable and sustainable energy market.  

These operations were carried out in accordance with a vision of sustainable development beneficial for our societies.  

Energy PyroSwiss is a company incorporated under Swiss law.

Décharges à ciel ouvert

Décharges à ciel ouvert

station d'épuration

station d'épuration

Décharge sauvage de pneus

Décharge sauvage de pneus

"Green" fuel

"Green" fuel

carbon black

carbon black



Moringa Olifeira

Moringa Olifeira

Protéger les forêts

Protéger les forêts

Une terre habitable

Une terre habitable

Energy PyroSwiss ROles

Roles of EPS.png
Solution integrator

Vision AND CharteR




It is good to focus on environmental issues. However it is equally important to find ways of reconciling ecology and development while emphasizing quality of life rather than the increase of wealth.


Human capacities are immense. As immense as our power to intervene in the shaping of our future.


Speaking about his future, we probably have a necessary dimension, a random dimension and voluntary dimension.


The necessary dimension encompasses the facts determined in advance, major tendencies and constraints of the present. As for random facts, man can act on these facts by reducing the fields of action, foreseeing risks, accepting efforts to be undertaken and challenges to be faced.


Regarding the challenges of the future, they currently appear in an universal way, covering all aspects of life, and they are often interrelated in complex ways. Facing them requires the voluntary and joint action of individuals, communities and institutions. This certainly involves many adaptations to necessary changes, and might require changing our references, our landmarks, our attitudes and even our values.


"The aim of prospective studies is not to guess the likely future but to prepare the desirable future and even try to go further: to make probable the desirable future. "
G. Berger, member of the International Circle for Prospective Action

« Ethical qualification inside » of projects and actions


By this willingness to qualify what we feel as responding to our sense of ethics, our organization is committed to the fact that all stakeholders of a project or action taken by it will participate in the mobilization of consciences, by the feeling of a sense of social justice, a spirit of universal cooperation, economic and energy efficiency, and overall respect for our environment.


Thus the actions undertaken and the potential projects could be evaluated, qualified, and even compared, according to their degree of "ethics" by the adoption of key indicators, issued from the following principles, described as "elements of charter "and allowing this assessment.



  • Need Principle: the notion of giving sense to the project (or action) is reflected in the quality and / or the importance of the response to the effective need for local and regional infrastructure.


If the potential of well-being and prosperity of a society is measured by infrastructure development (training, communication, transport, health, roads, etc ...) it also must meet a real need, remaining in the limits of moderation and respecting the rights of populations, availability of resources and environmental protection.





  • Conservation of resources: recycling, reuse and parsimony in the use of non-renewable resources.

  • Energy efficiency: rationalization of energy consumption, reduction, optimization and improvement of plant performance, application of recommendations ISO 50'001 (management of energy systems)

  • Economic efficiency: the organization ensures the optimization, profitability and security of investments (TRI, VAN, Payback)





  • Sharing knowledge and emulation: the organization responsible for the project works for a future knowledge based and knowledge sharing society. Efforts to achieve this will thus contribute to emulating and multiplying the results.

  • Knowledge based society: The organization ensures the transmission of knowledge relevant to the skilled exploitation of the project, the development of associated business knowledge and the training of younger generations, thus ensuring the sustainability and capitalization of knowledge.





  • Service spirit: the project's executants, service providers and proponents see their work as creating value for the beneficiaries. They put all their skills and their experience into the project and above all they do it in a spirit of service to humanity.

  • Improving the quality of life of project users and beneficiaries: project stakeholders will bear in mind that the project represents a value added to the well-being and quality of life of users and beneficiaries of the project. To do so, they will promptly inquire about the wishes and expectations relating thereto.

  • Abolition of prejudices of all kinds: in the choice of beneficiaries and users of the project no segregation of any kind will be made.

Switzerland office:

rue de la Sarraz

1304 Cossonay 

Register n° : CHE-443.211.085

Tel. : +41.21.861.04.04

Contact France

Phone.  :  0033. (0) 553.200.420

Mob. : 0033. (0) 629.057.707

© 2015 Energy PyroSwiss

realized by B2P Secrétariat

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