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Pyrolysis is a chemical reaction leading to decomposition of organic matters that requires heat and takes place without reagents, without oxygen or in oxygen-deficient atmosphere.

This transformation, distinct from combustion that involves an oxidant such as oxygen, creates new products following atomic or molecular rearrangements.


It provides:

  • a carbonaceous solid,

  • an oil

  • and a gas.

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  • Charcoal or biochar: used as fuel (30 GJ / t), soil amendment, fertilizer, water retainer ...

  • Pyrolysis oil: can be used as liquid fuel or as intermediate for extracting biobased molecules

  • Syngas: used to produce heat for drying or converted into electricity

Thermolysis oil


After refining, it can be used as a fuel (gasoline, diesel, domestic fuel) or as an additive to commercial fuels.

PyroSwiss huile de pyrolyse


Used for the operation of the thermolysis system

PyroSwiss syngaz gaz de pyrolyse
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Carbon Black


Output obtained during the thermolysis of used tires


Thermolysis / Pyrolysis
ENG Comparatif pyrolyse thermolyse.png

Benefits of thermolysis

The major advantage of this technique is that its products are highly recoverable:  


  • The gas from thermolysis is used as fuel to operate the system.

  • The oil can be upgraded into fuels (or additives) by using the mini-refinery.

  • Char, the main solid product resulting from the processing  tires, is recoverable in Carbon Black.


Thermolysis generates less ultimate residue and less pollution . The volume of smoke is two times less than with incineration . These fumes contain neither dioxins (absence of oxygen and fixation of chlorine on the solid residue) nor volatilized heavy metals (relatively low temperatures).

Flue gas treatment is therefore limited, reducing the financial impact on maintenance and the environmental impact .

The advantages of thermolysis are numerous :

  • Wide range of admissible waste

  • Simplified flue gas treatment because it is less polluting (thanks to the absence of oxygen, generator of dioxins and NOx, and a lower volume of fumes)

  • Valorization of solid fractions

  • Possibility of deferred energy recovery in time and space


The process applies the principle of thermolysis by overcoming the industrial constraints commonly encountered:

  • The material circulates in a rotating drum for better heat distribution,

  • The gases are immediately recovered and burned to prevent clogging,

  • The hot fumes generated provide the heat necessary for the process: the thermolysis cycle is energy self-sufficient .

  • Operation management is simple, instrumented, standardized and secure.

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